Ant Control

Ant Control

Ants are one of the most successful groups of insects due to there social ability. A lot of times they are not as much damaging as they are a nuisance. They gather food and bring it back to the colony to feed the queen and the young. They are attracted to food, especially sweets, so sanitation can really help keep them out. No matter what, they are annoying and need to go. 

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How To Get Rid Of Ants

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Most Common Types of Ants

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Odorous House Ants

Their pungent odor that gives off that “rotten-coconutlike”  smell is an obvious reason for the name. These are small ants that like to invade inside houses and are very hard workers with multiple queens. 

Fertilization in Broken Arrow

Pavement Ants

This little pest gets its name from locating its nest in or under cracks in pavement. Although they have been known to nest in walls, insulation, and under floors. 

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Pharaoh Ants

This ant gets its name due to popular belief that it was one of the plagues of Egypt in the time of Pharaohs. Often winged and are know for their ability to spread various disease pathogens. 

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Carpenter Ants

Often winged, workers are capable of emitting a strong formic acid odor. One of the most damaging types of ants as they will hollow out wooden structures causing expensive damage.

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Field Ants

Commonly known for making their presence in outdoor situations and is the largest genus of ants in America. A very small ant that usually has very strong colony’s. 

Pest Control in Broken Arrow

Fire Ants

Hopefully you don’s have this species roaming around. Known for their ability to inflict painful bites and stings. The Red Imported Fire Ant is becoming more common in the area.

Lets find the right solution for you!

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All of our inspections are free and are performed by trained professionals so that you get the results you need.

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Take Action

Perform application using only the best top of the line products giving you ease of mind knowing your home or business is protected.

Fertilization in Broken Arrow

Future Protection

Its way easier and cheaper in the long run to keep the creepy crawlies out before they get in. We have special rates for monthly and quarterly protection.